CW Lundberg grundades för 30 år sedan


CWLundberg was founded 30 years ago by an entrepreneur with a passion fordeveloping innovative products.

Fast, simple and close to our customers. Today, that spirit is part of our DNA and something we proudly carry with us as we create world-class roof safety
products and solar panel mounts. We constantly develop our products based on customer benefit, safety and sustainability. All our products are manufactured in the heart of Dalarna, the city of Mora.

Innovativa och montagevänliga produkter för tak och fasad

With innovative and easy-to-install products, we create a safe working environment.

CW Lundberg offers safety systems and fastenings for roofs across Europe. Our innovative products are safe, lightweight, and easy to install. Through modern manufacturing methods and processes, we ensure sustainability at every stage.

Smart solutions

We design and develop our products in close cooperation with you to meet your challenges and needs. We see opportunities and develop thoughtful solutions, without short cuts. Our focus is to design, develop and produce roof safety and solar panel mounts of the highest quality. It always has been.

Vi sätter alltid kunden först och bygger långsiktiga hållbara affärer och relationer.

We always put the customer first and build long-term sustainable business and

Vi lyssnar på våra kunders behov och utmaningar och utarbetar innovativa lösningar som gör arbetet säkrare och mer effektivt.

We listen to our customers' needs and challenges and develop innovative solutions
that make work safer and more efficient.

Vi lyssnar på våra kunders behov, ger personlig service och hittar hållbara lösningar

Weprovide personalised service and find sustainable solutions based on our
customers' needs.

Getting to know us better